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Since the adoption of the White Paper on Sport by the European Commission in 2007 and its ‘Pierre de Coubertin’ Action Plan declined in each member state, the European Union recognizes sport as a vector of social and professional inclusion. Sport constitutes a powerful means for self-discovery and self-accomplishment. It opens up new horizons, reinforces self-esteem, empowers people and enhances the acquisitions and the reinforcement of professional and social skills necessary to integrate the labour market and society. Similarly, sport enables the acquisition of fundamental values of our society, reinforces social cohesion and a respectful coexistence; all within the framework of informal and attractive contexts that regroup a large part of the society including young adults in underprivileged neighbourhoods with important social and professional integration needs. Therefore, as stated in the 2017 study on the contribution of sport to the employability of young people in the context of the Europe 2020 Strategy, sport should be recognized as a relevant tool to strengthen the socio-professional inclusion of young people.

The PlayIN project was developed by FONDATION AGIR CONTRE L’EXCLUSION (FACE). Focus aims of the project are to promote and support professional and social inclusion of disadvantaged young adults through informal and non-formal activities and notably through sport practice. In a period of approximately 2 years life span the project plans to achieve this objective through the development of efficient and friendly-users methods and tools adapted for 1) sport organizations 2) disadvantaged young adults that can be replicated at European scale. We expect that, thanks to the open access methods and tools developed, 1) sport organisations will be better equipped to support professional and social inclusion of young people through sport 2) NEETs will be better aware of informal skills they can develop through sport practice and how they can leverage those skills into the labour market 3) companies and sports organisations with reinforced their collabroation dynamics as part of their educational role.

The project aims to achieve the following expected results:

At short and middle-term:

    – To mobilize and enhance the sport movement to take actions for professional and social inclusion of disadvantaged young adults;
    – To foster collaboration between the sport movement, companies, public bodies, local actors, civil society and young people on professional and social inclusionthrough informal and non-formal activities and notably through sport practice;
    – To support volunteering of young people in sport related sectors;
    – To create working synergies in the promotion of voluntary missions and the recognition of acquired competences ;
    – To strengthen the capacities of the organizations working with volunteers;
    – To provide efficient methods, tools and training to sport organisations (Guide for volunteers (O1) including ProfilPASS based portfolio for volunteers in sport sector, toolkit “train the trainers” (O2));
    – To offer a labelling and certification online platform (O3) federating and awarding organisations committed to the promotion of professional and social inclusion through informal and non-formal activities and notably sport practice;
    – To promote to the private sector the value of competences acquired through non formal and informal activities and notably sport practice.

At long term:

    – To foster working synergies in the promotion of sport as vector of professional and social inclusion in Europe;
    – To federate a European community engaged in professional and social inclusion through informal and non-formal activities and notably sport practice;
    – To reach a better recognition and certification of informal and non-formal transferable skills notably those acquired through volunteering and/or sport practice;
    – To boost the employability of disadvantaged young people and especially NEETs;
    – To enhance mutual learning and best practices sharing in the community, as well as to inspire peers and encourage action;
    – To improve national and transnational cooperation, exchange of good practices, inclusive policies and standardization.

Furthermore, PlayIN will not only provide useful methods and tools supporting professional and social inclusion through informal and non-formal activities and especially sport practice but also aims at federating a community materialized by the online platform for labelling and certification (O3). Through this platform, organisations willing to support professional and social inclusion through informal and non-formal learning could share good practices and initiatives and foster collaboration. More precisely our platform will 1) promote socio-professional inclusion of young adults (volunteers & young sportsmen/women), 2) offer certification to actors involved.

Finally,the project will constitute a pilot experience aimed to develop a standard methodology and tools accessible to any European organisation willing to replicate it at the national level. All the created deliverables will be freely accessible online.

PlayIn Platform developed and designed by BrainLog (still under construction; Official release date 15th of May):

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