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The issue of learners’ motivation is complex and we are aware that there are multitude of underlining reasons and factors behind it, related to socio economic background of learners and their family environment, which are beyond schools’ control. We have realized that what we can try to achieve is improving pupils’ classroom experience through enriching our current teaching practices. The logical question which has emerged is where to find new methods to be integrated in our daily work?

What seems to be an unexplored area are the achievements of the non-formal education and training sectors. The other route to go is to research the experience and know-how of other European education systems and training providers. These realizations shaped the idea for structuring the project partnership and led to the participation of 5 European schools and 5 training providers from 5 countries to join, following intensive communication and preliminary research work on national level in 5 countries (Bulgaria, Denmark, Poland, Spain and Portugal).

Our main innovation proposed is the T-BOX set of 25 cards. Each card will contain a short description of a 5 to 10-minute activity/method. The cards will synthesize all current global trends in non-formal education and training, related to developing passion and motivation for learning (experiential and self-directed learning, coaching, visual and plastic arts like forum theatre). The cards will be grouped in categories (“Body Movement”, “Mind Twist”, “Hands Touch”, “Voice”, “Art Expression”, etc.). The cards are a tool to open space for self-reflection of the learner and collaborative conversations with the teacher on deep levels, related to fundamental values and motivation triggers.

The idea for T-BOX has emerged following a preliminary research on how schools in our partnership tackle demotivation of their pupils. The general conclusion for all partner countries is that focus is placed on utilizing technology (technology driven learning) to support active engagement, participation in groups, frequent interaction and feedback with the presumption that technologies is what triggers young persons’ interest to learning.

Erasmus+ priority to be addressed by the project:
Inclusive education, training and youth: in line with the Paris Declaration, priority will be given to actions addressing diversity in (formal and non-formal) education and training, developing social, civic, intercultural competences and media literacy, combating discrimination and segregation, tackling bullying, reducing disparities in learning outcomes affecting learners with disadvantaged backgrounds in particular through innovative integrated approaches.

Project’s website: https://t-box.erasmus.site/

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+45 81 94 31 71