BrianLog team attended the Masterclass Conference in Brussels

Feb 22, 2023

In relation to the Erasmus + project CCJ4C – Career Counselling for Staff in Criminal Correctional Justice, BrianLog team attended yesterday’s Masterclass Conference in Brussels, which was organized by SNPP Politia Penitenciara.

The Masterclass Conference was attended by representatives from the #europeancommission, representatives of the #EuropeanParliament, different stakeholders from the countries involved in the project, International Corrections and Prisons Association, European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services (EUROPRIS) and European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) and representatives from the project partners

The participants had the opportunity to present and examine the accomplishments of this three-year project with a focus on the transportation of the #carrier of the #CorrectionalStaff

#ErasmusPlus #KA3 #adulteducation #careeropportunities #guidanceforcareer



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