We are pleased to present the newsletters for our Cub@Work Erasmus+ Project.
To read each Newsletter’s full content, simply click the “Read More” button.
About the Project
Unconscious cultural preconceptions and stereotyping in general towards skilled and suitable potential candidates with a migrant background can make recruitment of suitable candidates and integration into daily work processes of the migrant workforce very difficult, with adverse consequences for companies, the workforce as well as for the broader society as a whole.
Undoubtedly, unconscious bias is present in the very inner core of one’s personality, and the key action is not to fight it, but to recognise its presence and to enhance our ability to take decisions and actions that are not influenced by hidden preconceptions and attitudes.
With well-trained management and recruitment staff who are aware about unconscious bias and able to deal with it, a SME will be able to participate more successfully in the War for Talents and to recruit suitable personnel.
By providing tools enabling understanding, reflection and strategies to manage cultural unconscious bias in the workplace, the CUB@work project contributes to social inclusion and non-discrimination in the workplace. CUB@work enhances cross-functional intercultural sensitivity, to enable and increase opportunities for social inclusion and will offer a suitable tool for both initial and continuing VET.
Cub@Work Newsletter 1
Cub@Work Newsletter 2
Cub@Work Newsletter 3
Cub@Work Newsletter 4