First Online Meeting for our Brand-New NordPlus Project, “Let’s Get to Know Denmark and Finland”

Aug 15, 2023

Today marked a significant milestone as Brainlog joined the inaugural online meeting for our brand-new NordPlus project, “Let’s Get to Know Denmark and Finland” (Project No. NPLA-2023/10040).

We’re thrilled to be part of this collaborative endeavor that will not only bring you closer to the vibrant cultures of Denmark and Finland but will also expand upon the successes of the previous projects, “Play Your Way to Norway” and “Discover Iceland and Sweden.” 🇳🇴🇮🇸🇸🇪

With this new project, we’re extending our platforms to encompass the Danish and Finnish languages, fostering even greater opportunities for cultural exchange and language learning.

The journey has officially commenced, and we’re set to dive into this enriching experience. This project will unfold from August 2023 to July 2025, and we’re elated to have partners on board from Lithuania and Finland.

Stay tuned for updates, insights, and all the incredible discoveries that lie ahead as we embark on this NordPlus adventure together!



Get In Touch

If you have any questions, concerns or other inquiries we would be happy to help. You can also contact us directly through phone or e-mail:

+45 81 94 31 71