A new project has once again been successfully approved with BrainLog as its main coordinator and beneficiary. Titled “Peer mentoring for prison staff” (M4Pris), the project aims to design a peer mentoring program for prison staff with the intent of increasing the staff’s knowledge driven by a green training methodology.
For this project, BrainLog is proud to partner with:
Fængselsforbundet (Danish Prison Federation) from Denmark (https://faengselsforbundet.dk);
Approximar – Cooperativa De Solidariedade Social from Portugal (https://aproximar.pt);
National Union of Prison Workers (Sindicatul Național al Polițiștilor de Penitenciare) from Romania, (https://snpp.ro/);
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from Belgium KU Leuven from Belgium (https://feb.kuleuven.be);
Asociatia Vis Juventum from Romania (https://visjuventum.eu);
Athens Lifelong Learning Institute from Greece (https://athenslifelonglearning.gr/);
The main products of the project will aim at developing:
Blueprint of Prison Staff Mentoring across European countries
Peer Mentoring Programme for Prison Staff
Training course for mentoring Coordinators in European prisons