Representatives from BrainLog and the Danish Prison Union participated in an online peer review for the CCJ4C project. Representatives from the partnership’s stakeholders also participated in the peer review, which provided an exchange of views and experiences from different European countries and prisons.
In addition, the produced Workpackage 2 (WP2) was discussed and reviewed by the representatives, which has provided good opportunities for the further development of the project.
CCJ4CΒ – Career Counselling for Staff in Criminal Correctional Justice is an initiative inspired by the absence of competent leadership within EU prison systems, particularly with a creative strategy. And it occurs even though correctional services have experienced a significant transformation.
As a result, the CCJ4C project aims to analyze the process of cultural development in correctional settings while considering the staff members’ careers and the assistance given to inmates.
Additionally, CCJ4C aims to determine the best practice for enhancing the career management abilities of prison staff and, to the extent that one can be formed, to pinpoint the components of this model that can result in a modification of public policy.
ClickΒ HEREΒ to find further information about the CCJ4C initiative.