BrainLog was happy to be given the opportunity to present two of our projects at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU). The two Erasmus+ projects has been developed in the past two years. These were the projects presented at the event:
- VISE – Virtual Integrated Start-Ups Ecosystem” Project
- CUB@work – Cultural Unconscious Bias in the workplace
During the event, the participants had the opportunity to learn about the Virtual Integrated Start-ups Ecosystem project, coordinated by BrainLog, and to experience the following developed products:
- Self-assessment tool
- Training modules
- Entrepreneurial coach
- Networking
Everyone interested in strengthening entrepreneurial competencies and business activities in the field of the described three uttermost needed areas of entrepreneurship may access the VISE ecosystem HERE.
During the second part of the event, BrainLog had the pleasure to present The Unconscious Bias Sensitisation Toolbox – An online resource to make SMEs’ HR management and recruitment staff aware of cultural unconscious bias.
Furthermore, the representers from the VET sector were informed about the following subsections of the online Toolbox:
- Self-profiling test
- Real-life video case studies
- Unconscious mind quiz for assessment
- Glossary
- Do’s and dont’s
- Recommendations for SMEs.
The second product, developed as part of the Cub@work project, was also presented as an integral part of the Entrepreneurial workshop. The Vet educators interacted firsthand with the online course, which was implemented as an Open Educational Resource, with a central focus on four training modules on cultural unconscious biases aiming at enhancing key competencies of entrepreneurs and recruitment staff in SMEs.
Observing participant reactions to the event’s conclusion and feedback, it has become evident that the participants experience the developed products as highly valuable, fun, and beneficial aiding tools, helping them expand and improve their knowledge and competencies.
Everyone interested in enhancing the key competencies of Human Resource Management personnel and those of recruitment staff of SMEs can click HERE and access the developed products of the “CUB@work – Cultural Unconscious Bias in the Workplace” project.