Today, February 28, 2023, ends the implementation period of the INCLUSIVE IMPRO THEATER Project – 2020-1-RO01-KA227-SCH-095356, a Strategic Partnership Project financed by the European Commission through the ERASMUS+ program.
The project ended after two years in which the partnership, through the intellectual outputs created, managed to draw attention to the potential of the values promoted through universal stories, known and liked by all, and promoted through the use of theatrical improvisation techniques.
Here is the Project Team: Theoretical Highschool ”Grigore Moisil” Timișoara, România – Project Coordinator, Center for Promoting Life Long Learning – CPIP – Timișoara, România, I & F Education and Development Limited – Dublin, Ireland, De La Salle College, Churchtown – Dublin, Ireland, BrainLog – Odense, Danemarca, Centro Internazionale Per La Promozione Dell’educazione E Lo Sviluppo Associazione – Palermo, Italy, Smart Umbrella Management Solutions E.E. – Thessaloniki, Greece, Directorate of Primary Education Of Western Thessaloniki – Thessaloniki, Greece.