Exciting updates from the BrainLog office about PROMOTE

Nov 12, 2024

Exciting updates from the BrainLog office!

The data collection for PROMOTE is growing! On the 25th of October, we had the pleasure of interviewing a social and health assistant to gain valuable insights into her work environment and daily tasks. It was a pleasure to talk to Olivia and hear about her experiences, as she shared how working with people in rehabilitation and reintegration can be truly life-giving. ⭐

The interviews we have conducted to far, have in general provided us with a broader perspective of the different ways to work in the field of rehabilitation and reintegration, and how working with people can be lifegiving ⭐
Spændende opdateringer fra BrainLog-kontoret!

Dataindsamlingen til PROMOTE vokser! Den 25. oktober havde vi fornøjelsen af at interviewe en social- og sundhedsassistent for at få værdifuld indsigt i hendes arbejdsmiljø og daglige opgaver. Det var en fornøjelse at tale med Olivia og høre om hendes oplevelser, hvor hun delte, hvordan arbejdet med mennesker inden for rehabilitering og reintegration kan være virkelig livgivende. ⭐

De interviews, vi har gennemført indtil videre, har generelt givet os et bredere perspektiv på de forskellige måder at arbejde på inden for rehabilitering og reintegration, og hvordan det at arbejde med mennesker kan være livsgivende ⭐



Get In Touch

If you have any questions, concerns or other inquiries we would be happy to help. You can also contact us directly through phone or e-mail:

+45 81 94 31 71