Final Transnational Project Management Meeting for the Erasmus+ project 3R in Iasi, Romania

Feb 14, 2023

BrainLog team attended the last meeting of the 3R project, which took place in Iasi, Romania, on February 7. The project’s name stands for 3R (Respire, Remember, Respond) Emotional Intelligence for Reducing Recidivism. The purpose of the project is to improve the social adaptability and resilience of offenders and ex-offenders, to promote their reintegration into society, and as a result, to reduce recidivism.

Thanks to our partner and host, Centrul de Mediere Culturala, the meeting was very well organized, and all partners were warmly welcomed.

Click HERE to obtain more information regarding the 3R project.



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+45 81 94 31 71