Let’s Explore Odense together with our partners from Lithuania and Finland! 

Oct 15, 2024

Danish below.



Something special is happening in Odense this week, organized by BrainLog!

For the very first time, our partners from Finland and Lithuania are visiting Denmark as part of the ”Let’s Get to Know Denmark and Finland” project.

But this isn’t just any ordinary workshop – we’ve planned two days packed with both professional and cultural experiences!

We’re busy with final preparations here at the BrainLog office, making sure everything is ready for our partners and a group of students from Finland and Lithuania. In addition to the engaging workshop activities, we’ve organized outdoor excursions so our guests can explore Odense and see the best of what the city has to offer. As part of the project, we aim to explore new cultures together and build lasting relationships.

The workshop will feature a series of engaging activities centered around our platform, ”Let’s Get to Know Denmark and Finland,” which includes modules focused on the Danish and Finnish languages and culture.

We look forward to fostering cultural and linguistic exchange among our international participants and creating an inspiring environment for collaboration. 🎉

We’re excited for two fantastic days filled with learning, collaboration, and cultural exchange! 🙌


🌍 Lad os udforske Odense sammen med vores partnere fra Litauen og Finland! ✨

Der sker noget helt særligt i Odense denne uge, organiseret af BrainLog!

For første gang nogensinde besøger vores partnere fra Finland og Litauen Danmark som en del af projektet ”Let’s Get to Know Denmark and Finland”.

Det bliver ikke bare en almindelig workshop – vi har planlagt to dage fyldt med både faglige og kulturelle oplevelser!

Vi er i fuld gang med forberedelserne, og her på BrainLog’s kontor sørger vi for, at alt er klart til vores partnere og en gruppe studerende fra både Finland og Litauen. Udover de engagerende aktiviteter i workshoppen, har vi også planlagt udendørs aktiviteter, så vores gæster kan opleve Odense og se byens smukkeste sider. Det er en del af projektets mål, at vi sammen udforsker nye kulturer og skaber varige relationer.



Get In Touch

If you have any questions, concerns or other inquiries we would be happy to help. You can also contact us directly through phone or e-mail:

+45 81 94 31 71