M4Pris Online Project Management Meeting on the 17th of October 2023

Oct 17, 2023

The M4Pris consortium met to discuss the project progress and, more specifically, the finalization of Work Package 2, “Blueprint of Prison Staff Mentoring,” as the first result of the project. Furthermore, partners discussed the development of Work Package 3: “Peer Mentoring Programme for Prison Staff”.

Titled โ€œPeer mentoring for prison staffโ€ (M4Pris), the project aims to design a peer mentoring program for prison staff with the intent of increasing the staffโ€™s knowledge driven by a green training methodology. Furthermore, the project focuses on inclusion by focusing on a field in which intervention is sometimes scarce and by addressing a lack of tools and information in the field itself. At the same time, the project is innovative, as it tackles the challenge of a lack of empirical evidence within the field. On the other hand, the project is flexible and tailored to each prison staff memberโ€™s needs and individual necessities.



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