The second training in the frame of the InterMedia Project took place in Angra do Heroismo, in the training rooms of our partners from Portugal – AJITER.
The learning and training activity, lasting for 3 days, aimed to care for the homogeneous backgrounds of the participating organizations. The consortium provides complementary skills and knowledge necessary to execute the active parts of the project. Additionally, a different approach to adult education (regarding age, habitat, and other issues) was a criterion in the selection of the team. The foreseen activities brought the associations to the same level of competence and were a strict follow-up to the first training in Denmark.
An emphasis was put on the activities in workshops and lectures dealing with:
- Presentation and practical use of selected free multimedia tools suitable for designing, designing, and using multimedia training content
- Implementing future courses with a technology-enhanced approach using multiple devices and implementing multimedia-based and interactive MM&I training content. This includes the use of simple learning platforms.
During the training, several pilot courses have been developed by the partners, assisted by tutors. Each organization focused on a WordPress-based learning platform, presented this platform, and gave the training teams an assignment.
These tasks required the integration of various multimedia tools into the pilot course. After the integration of the course, a group discussion provided an exchange of experiences and suggestions for solutions. In the same way, the team guided by the instructor cared about shortcomings and workarounds to problems and tried them out.
At the end of the training, all participants were able to create a training course for adults on a WordPress-based platform. The team used various multimedia tools, such as H5P, the βUltimate Shortcodesβ (a WordPress plugin), Canva, Animaker videos, and more. This training in Angra do Heroismo was a significant step towards the creation of better training courses for adults.